Monday, December 20, 2010

PuppyLove "Coffee" Cake Hoang

Pure Black American Cocker Spaniel Purebred

Coffee was born on Thursday, September 28th, 2000 in Tofield, Alberta, Canada at the PuppyLove Kennel.

He arrived via WestJet Cargo in February 2001 at the age of 4 months.

Over the years Coffee had:
...ate 10 of his own birthday cakes, which included a Three Dogs Bakery peanut butter brittle cake, Dairy Queen ice cream cake, Anna's Mango Cake
...ate other people's birthday cakes
...gone on multiple car rides DAILY
...road tripped all the way to Edmonton, Alberta to visit the family
...gone running while I rollerbladed along Pacific Blvd to Stanley Park and back home again
...gone to roller hockey games
...visited many beaches and parks
...hung out with other doggie friends
...hung out with all the ladies
...farted in every room
...cleared everyone out of rooms with his deadly farts almost anything and everything before he became allergic to most foods

He has slept:
...upside down with his paws in the air
...sprawled across the couch so no one else can occupy it
...curled up tightly in a ball on the lazy boy
...curled up tightly in a ball on the couch
...beside my father as he dozes on the couch cars every room in the house his basket
...on Sasha's bed
...with Koklei after Ko's enjoyed too much festive beverages

He loves to sleep: front of living room TV
...on the floor beside my dad's side of the bed his basket in the kitchen my office when I'm in there my room when the door's open Kevin's office on the snowman rug the kitchen by mom's feet

He loves:
...his first toy, which was the lamb that travelled with him from Tofield, Alberta
...various fruits, including durian
...meat...what dog doesn't
...doggie treats
...plain white rice cubes
...his green-blue rubber ball
...his collection of clothes, especially the first blue-white knit sweater I made him (wears it all the time)
...the snow
...halloween costumes
...being near me, even on my old bed

He hates:
...lobster (talk about a spoiled tongue)
...9 o'clock cannon at Stanley Park
...fireworks crackers

His nicknames over the years (in various languages):

...little man
...little pig
...little stinker
...little bear
...little prince

Coffee died on Monday, December 20th, 2010 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in the arms of my mother.
He died from pneumonia and old age. He was almost 10 years 3 months old.

It crushed my heart to lose Coffee to pneumonia and old age.
It crushed me that I was not able to be by his side for the last hours of his life.
It crushed me that he is no longer in my life...I am always expecting to hear him around the house...

I love you Coffee and will miss you forever!!!
You will always be part of the family and always be part of my heart.
Though you are gone now and will miss the wedding, you will be part of the wedding as we had planned from the start.

Take care, be safe, be happy and be well fed my little baby boy!
We all miss you and love you lots!!!